Monday, March 17, 2014

Wise Earth Ayurveda Spring Spice Grind

Naomi & Brian

This weekend we held our Wise Earth Ayurveda Spring Spice grinding class.  Yes Yes we still have snow, but spring is truly around the corner.  Just ask the birds....some of our feathered buddies have returned and they know when Mother Nature is getting ready to turn.  

Spring is a time of rebirth.  The snow will melt, the Earth and Air will warm and slowly the early plants will start to peak out of the soil. Think about those tiny green shoots as they reach for the sun...they are very vulnerable and new.  Our bodies will mirror our environment, so this is a time to be mindful and gentle as we move through this transitional time.  

We have all had a very hard and stressful winter.  Spring is the natural time for our bodies to want to clean house.  As the weather becomes a little warmer we can start all those cleanses we've been thinking about sense the holidays.  Coughs, colds and congestion are a natural part of this season as we try to slough off the ama (toxins) that have accumulated over the winter months.  

Ahhh what to do....what to do??  For starters get moving! Exercise is one of the best ways to get the lymphatic system moving. Walk, dance, light weights, yoga, mediation and breath work are powerful tools - use them.  Find your practice (sadhana) and stick to it. We thrive whenever we follow a routine. 

Start eating with mindfulness. Stay away from foods that are processed, cold and oily.  Hibernation time has is time to bring on the lighter menus items.  We want to be consuming fresh warm foods.  I know you're waiting for something more is a list: 
Seeds waiting to awaken with Fire!
 FRUITS (apples, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries) - FRESH VEGETABLES (lettuce, carrots, arugula, asparagus, kale, collard greens, scallions, endive, snow peas, spinach) - GRAINS (buckwheat, barley, jobs tears, millet) - HERBS (parsley, cilantro, oregano, thyme) - LEGUMES (chickpeas, mung beans, Job's Tears/Hato Mugi).

Brian & Erica

Naomi roasting Cumin

Remember follow your dosha (constitution) and eat the foods that are most beneficial for your body type.  This link will help you determine your dosha.   This is also time (if you haven't already) to start Proper Food-Combining!! 
Protein with Veggies
Grains with Veggies
Fruit Alone
Stick to the rules and your digestion will thank you.  Proper Food-Combing is a fantastic easy way to start clearing your system of toxins, it reduces digestive stress, allows your digestive fire to grow, and is healing for your entire system. For more information on food combining and some really great charts check out -

Cathy, Lisa & Naom

Doris & Cathy

Erica, Justin & Knox

The next generation - Knox
We roasted Cumin, Cardamom, Black and White Pepper and blended it with Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Cloves!  The roasting seeds made the studio smell divine. 

This blend was designed to bring balance as we transition through the Spring season.  This is a time of vulnerability and making sure that we have all  six tastes on our plates helps to balance the body.  (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent & astringent)  The tastes that are needed most right now are pungent and bitter with a little salt.  Start slowly with any changes you might decide to add to your life-style.  Don't shock your system with to many changes....pick one element and stick with it until it becomes second nature.....then add another.  This will allow you to acclimate successfully! 

Aduki Bean & Job's Tears (Hato Mugi) Kitchari

1 cup Aduki Beans (soak 24 hours)
1 cup Job's Tears (rinsed)
Ghee or Olive oil
6 cups water
1 sweet onion (diced)
4 med carrot (peel & cut into chunks)
3-4 cloves garlic (minced)
2 inches fresh ginger (peeled & minced)
4 cups baby Kale
2 heaping Tablespoons Spring Masala (or a spice blend of your choice)

Put 1 Tablespoon of Ghee/Olive oil in a Dutch oven and cook onion until translucent.  Add garlic and ginger cook for a couple of minute. Push everything back leaving a circle in the bottom of the pot - add a little more Ghee/Olive oil and add Spring Masala. Stir to coat - add rinsed Job's Tears, Aduki beans and Carrots. Toss everything until well coated with spices.  Add water and bring to a simmer.  Cover leaving a gap so that gas can escape. Cook low an slow for several hours (time varies with altitude & mineral content of water). Just keep testing the beans until they are soft.  You might have to add more water if it starts to cook off and the beans aren't finished. When beans are done add the baby Kale and turn off heat.  Stir the greens and they will wilt into the Kitchari. Salt & pepper to taste.  Enjoy!!

Blessings to All!
Sweet Spicy kisses!

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