Friday, February 28, 2014

Got Space? Exploring Ether

Naomi with her power animal "The Owl"
Ahhh will it ever end - this bone chilling cold?  (moan)  Our last gathering of Polarity students was focused on the Ether Element.  Ether is the mysterious element.  It can't be seen or touched and yet it is possibly the most important element of all.  

Ether is about space....within and around us.  We need space (Ether) for all the other elements to function.  We consider Ether to be the mixing bowl in which the other elements (Air, Fire, Water & Earth) blend to create the unique individuals that we are. 

Do you have enough space in your world to function?  Do you have enough space within your body and mind...or do you feel contracted, trapped and overwhelmed? Are your joints giving you trouble? If you are feeling any of might have a little issue with the Ether Element in your body.  The bitter cold contracting weather has been doing a number on everyone and we still have weeks before spring. let's try to find ways to bring in a little, much needed space.

Margot, Kit, Terry, Lisa & Michelle
Yoga and meditation practices are always our go-to remedy. Focus on the breath and allow it to expand in your body while quieting the mind.  Keep those corn/rice bags warm for your fingers and toes. Imagine a beautiful WARM quiet space. A place that triggers that deep recognition of PEACE!!  The open sky, deep space (The Final Frontier...I had to say it) and beautiful music will all resonate with the inner space that we crave.  Now is not the time for pushing.  If you can let any activities, engagements or basically any unnecessary running around go - DO IT!  We are constantly in such a state of GO that we forget how to stop.  
Margot, Sonja, Chris, Tammy, Teresa & Lisa

The Ether Element is involved with sound, so this was our chance to work with the magic of tuning forks!  The walls were vibrating with the many tones and our energy danced to the music.  I worked with a wonderful set of tuning forks called "Intention Tuners". Dr Edna (Violette Raye) Doane, the originator of "Intention Tuners", will be coming to our area in the spring to teach us the magic of her tuning forks. Thank You Edna for your amazing contribution to the Polarity world.  

Michelle, Owl, Margot & Naomi

(Margot goofing around with my "Sacred Owl"......really she should have more respect!! giggle)

Michelle, Owl & Naomi

Take time while preparing your meals.  Focus on infusing each meal with loving healing energy.  Presenting beautiful food to your family is a wonderful way of creating space at meal time.  This is one of the most positive ways to share energy with those that you love.  Find Space - Hold it together - Spring is Around the Corner - There is always Chaos before Change!!  (Guess we're in for some big changes!!)

Zucchini Fettuccine with Kale-Spinach-Cilantro Pesto

Kale-Spinach-Cilantro Pesto
Brian with yummy lunch!
1 cup packed kale (stems remove)
1 cup packed spinach
1 cup packed cilantro (stems removed)
3/4 cup walnuts (soaked 15-20 min)
2-4 cloves garlic (depending on how much you love garlic)
1/2 cup nutritional flakes or parmesan cheese
1/2 cup olive oil plus extra if needed
1-2 Tablespoons lemon juice (we like the tang of lemon)
salt & pepper

In food processor put washed and blotted kale, spinach & cilantro. Pulse until finely chopped.  Add walnuts, garlic, nutritional yeast, lemon juice & 1/2 cup olive oil.  Process until smooth.  If pesto looks to dry drizzle olive oil while processing until creamy.  Salt & pepper to taste.

Zucchini Fettuccine
Peel green skin from zucchini.  Then continue to peel rotating zucchini making fettuccine strips until you reach the seed layer.  Save the cores for smoothies or salads.
Warm skillet with a little olive oil and lightly warm zucchini fettuccine. Remove from heat. Toss with Pesto and serve in beautiful bowls!

Blessings to All!
Sweet Pesto Kisses!

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