Monday, November 18, 2013

Wading through Water Element!

In the Flow!
 Welcome to the Water Element!  We spent the weekend working through all things Water-y. All our students dove into Water and allowed the experience to wash over them.  Always such a pleasure to witness the awakening of a new awareness. I want everyone to take stock of the Water in your world.  Are you drinking pure water?  Are you attached to ideas or things.....can you let go?  

This is a perfect time of year to explore the Water within.  The weather swings from rain to flurries hitting us with different versions of water.  The holidays are also right around the corner and can upset the Water Element. All of these variables can set the stage for imbalance.  Are you overwhelmed?  Water rules our emotions, your ability to taste, and may appear as weaknesses in your breasts, pelvis and feet.

Margot, Judy & Terry
There are many ways to support your Water Element that are simple and fun.  Watch the health of your skin.  Is it dry and cracked or glowing?  Dry brushing your skin everyday and/or using a Salt-Glow is a wonderful way to support your skin.  

Water-y music is another great option.  is one option of beautiful flowing music.  Spending time in the kitchen this time of year is quite normal - baking breads, cookies and other holiday goodies.... this kitchen time will honor your Water Element!

 Dance, glide, sway....flow like a beautiful flowing stream.  Hey get out the hula hoops, bounce on a re-bounder basically get your lymphatic system pumping!! Amp up your immune system now.  Don't wait until some nasty little flu bug shows up on your door step.  

Water foods are those foods that grow from ground level to 2 feet above the ground.  Again - how perfect - those are many of the foods that we have just finished harvesting. veggies, melons, cucumbers, squash, orange colored foods....the list is quite long.  Wear the color orange to honor and raise the 2d chakra/Water element vibration.  And finally let your feelings flow!!

Lisa & Brian

Water Feast
 This is a really fun treat and soooo easy!
 Zucchini Bites
2-3 medium zucchini
Zucchini Bites!
thick salsa (sweet or spicy - I used a Sweet Carrot Salsa that I had canned)

Wash and slice the Zucchini into 3 inch chunks.
With a small melon baller - scoop out the center making a little cup.

Place Zucchini on a parchment lined cookie sheet.
Brush tops with a little olive oil.
Bake at 350 for  7 minutes.

Remove from oven and fill each cup with salsa and top with a chunk of fresh mozzarella.
Bake at 350 for another 7-10 minutes until warmed and cheese has melted!
Tasty treats
Blessings to all!
Sweet Salsa Kisses!

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