Monday, November 4, 2013

Healing with the Fire Element!

Wow - the days are flying and this has put me behind in my postings!  We have  been exploring the Fire Element at our latest Polarity training. We had a very sacred Fire ceremony that was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Think of Fire as we see it around us in nature - Fire can be smoldering, dancing, aggressive and destructive as well as warm and healing.  Fire is what gives us the power to complete projects (in combination with Air).

Lisa & Terry
Fire is connected to our digestive systems (think of the Fire in your belly).  The question for you my friends well is your digestive system working?  At the best of times our digestive system should work like a babies - something goes in and shortly something comes out.  Simple as it may seem but, in this day and age many go for days without a bowel movement. The SAD diet (Standard American Diet) is breaking down our digestive Fire.  What can we do to restore the Fire in our belly you ask?

Sonja & Teresa
Pardon me while I step up on my little "Soap Box"......OK.....let's keep this simple.   Start removing processed food from your pantry.  Eat more whole organic Non-GMO food. Eat more raw foods in combination with whole cooked meals.  Fire foods are grains.  In our society grains are proving to be an issue for many people.  Going  Gluten-Free can be a great way to restore the health of your small intestine, which will increase your bodies ability to absorb nutrients.  Gluten is a sticky protein that causes allergic reactions and/or intolerance for many.  For me it causes slow digestion, foggy head and stiff painful joints.  Give is a try - you'll be amazed at how great you will feel.  For some people, all grains need to be removed from their diets.  Calm sounds worse than it is!  Expand the way you look and eat your meals.  There are more beautiful veggies that can be added creatively to your meals - you won't miss those pesky grains!

Chris & Tammy

Next add a good raw probiotic and start adding fermented foods to your diet. I like 
We need those healthy "gut bugs" to keep our immune system strong.  (I'll be doing a post on making Kimchi, a spicy fermented cabbage, soon!)  Drink good clean water.  Start food combining....which means keep your carbs and proteins separate. 
Proper Food Combining Table 
This link is a great place for the beginners to start!!

Some of these suggestions are harder than others - so start with just one.  Master that one change and then add another.  It takes 30 days to form a new habit....start one now.   Change is hard, it's strange but in the end your body will Thank You!

Happy Belly Fire!
Our students learned ways to stimulate Fire and ways to cool it down.  Finding that place of balance - strong digestion, strength to complete and move forward without aggression or anger, was the focus of our weekend.  Keep those Fires burning - winter is coming and we all need strong digestive and immune systems! 

This is a wonderful recipe adapted from one of my teachers Mother Maya.
 Millet is gluten-free, high in protein, aides in the removal of toxins and will assist with weight loss.  Millet will help you lift your mood and is a wonderful grain for women's  health.

My version makes enough for a family. It also uses coconut oil instead of Ghee. Sooo healing and quick to make for dinner!

Simple Millet & Nappa

1 cup Millet
3 cup water
Nappa cabbage (sliced)
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (hormonal balance)
1/2 tea. turmeric (anti-everything)
2 tea. coriander seeds ground (digestive aid and cooling)
1 tab. coconut oil (cooling and healing for the intestines)
1/2 cup parsley (optional)
Wash and rinse millet well

Melt coconut oil - then add turmeric and coriander - blend well
Add Millet and stir to coat with spice
Add water and bring to a boil - turn down to a simmer
 Put a wooden spoon between the pot and lid - allowing steam to escape
Simmer for 15 min. then add Nappa cabbage on top of the Millet - cover and
cook for additional 5 min.
(You may need to add more water if it is absorbed before Millet is finished cooking. Millet should be cooked while Nappa should be slightly crunchy.)

Stir in parsley &
Top with pumpkin seeds 
Delish!  I never get tired of this one!

 Blessing to all!
Sweet Millet kisses!

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