Monday, July 8, 2013

Finding Peace at a Scramble!

Naomi & Brian at the Scramble

Pre-race (still clean)

We spent today with my younger brother, his crazy kids and my Father.  We went to a Motorcycle Scramble.  My brother Adam was competing.  What is a Scramble you might ask?  It's basically racing on a course that takes you through the mud, streams, hills,woods - pretty much an insane obstacle course through the woods.  This is a timed event, which means everyone is racing hell bent through the trees and mud. All the racers take a terrible beating as they race the clock and test their own stamina.  The goal is for best time and while attempting to go around the course as many times as they can.  The professional are able to get around the track for times. 

Staying cool before the race
 Did I mention the mud?    With all the rain that we have had the mud was knee deep in some places.  As spectators we were allowed to walk the trail as the racers flew by.  I hung back at the tent - the sun was a bit intense.  We were the "pit crew" that needed to be ready when Adam dashed in for a break of water poured down his back, goggle wiping and emotional support.  His body was radiating heat from his race around the 9 mile course. 

Starting Line

 With all the chaos and noise (and mud), the Vata and Rajasic qualities were very high. This means that there was a lot of nervous excitable energy in the air.  I used to go to these races with my parents as a child....wonderful memories.  My Father was a well known racer in his day.  Now as an adult I found a deep inner stillness while surrounded by mass confusion.  It was such a deep inner peace.  Wait....Wait...I'm having an Ah-ha moment!

Cooling down before going out again
Allowing all the energy around me to flow over and through opened a door of peace.  I was witnessing everything around me.  I had choice:  I could just witness - I could witness and participate - or I could just step into the participation factor - immersing myself in the sensory world.   All this awareness at a Motorcycle Scramble.

  Adam didn't win - but he placed well.  He was able to complete 3 rounds of the course working through his exhaustion.  We're all very proud of him!  Our family was there for support and everyone had fun.  Thankfully we drove in separate cars....did I mention the mud?! 

Adam working on his third loop
20 lbs of organic sweetness

If you are what you eat.....then I've become a strawberry.  Those little globes of happiness are all over my house these days.  

Strawberries are good for your eyes, brain function, relieves high blood-pressure, improves joint mobility and heart muscle function.  They have excellent anti oxidant and anti carcinogenic properties!

Brian and Mikhail harvested 20lbs of organic strawberries for me.  The sweetness just explodes in your mouth.  We have frozen many bags for our future smoothies.  The others I've been making into Cobblers!

Raw Strawberry Cobbler

1 cup walnuts
1 cup pecans
4 cup pitted dates
1tea cinnamon
Raw Strawberry Cobbler!

Soak nuts for about 20 min.  
Grind nuts in a food-processor until it forms a nice texture (you want it crunchy).  Then add dates to processor and blend until you have a lovely sticky mess.  Depending on the size of your processor - you might need to do this in batches.  
Press crust into pie pan.

3-4 cup strawberry
Slice berries and arrange on top of crust.

1 cup strawberries
5-8 pitted dates (or more if you want it really sweet)
1/2 tea cinnamon 
2 tea lemon juice
Put all ingredients into blender - blend until smooth and creamy.
Drizzle over the top of you cobble.
Put in fridge for a couple of hours to set up.

Enjoy this pan full of protein sweetness.
We have eaten it for breakfast, lunch and dinner (as a serious meal!!)
And you don't have to turn on the oven.

Blessings to all!
Sweet Strawberry kisses!

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