Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Autumn Balance the Wise Earth Way!

The beginning of Autumns colors!

Brian & Naomi
 Welcome to the beautiful days of Autumn!  The corn husks are browning, apples ripening  and the leaves are beginning to change.  Soon our valley will be a breath taking sight.  I love the changes that take place during this season....yet there is a certain amount of struggle for all of us as the weather begins to swirl.

Enter right....Ta Da!!.... a little balance with Wise Earth Ayurveda Spice grinding.  We had a great turn out this weekend as we shared the art of Masala making. Brian was even able to get out of the Orchard to join us. 

Autumn spices
Autumn is a season of harvesting and gathering.  Clear your space and simplify your world.  Get your ducks in a row before the next season is upon us.  Calm down I'm not rushing the seasons - just being proactive! Time flies when you're having fun. Doing an  internal cleanse is appropriate now.  All cleanses should be done while the weather is still temperate.  How lucky we are that Mother Nature offers us so many foods perfect for an Autumn cleanse (Squash, Apple, Pear, Cabbage...)!
Brian roasting
We started the day with chanting - raising the energy of the studio in preparation of the work to come. Working with the six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent), we roasted spices specific for this season.  We used our hands as measuring tools while adding the energy of the five elements (ether, air, fire, water, earth) to our Masala.  The aroma, as always, was magical.  Everyone had the blessing of awakening their senses and connecting with their inner kitchen knowledge.  The Sadhana (practice) of spice grinding is very powerful and will almost always lead to greater kitchen awareness.  I'm in the process now of hashing out some plans with one of my students - we may, get a chance to really rock a kitchen with Wise Earth Ayurveda -  Food Breath & Sound in the future.  Cross your fingers!!

Naomi & Lisa

 We also shared the art of making Water Kefir. Really such a simple way to add the health benefits of pro-biotics to your diet. My little Kefir grains have grown like crazy, and I needed to find them new homes.  Everyone had the chance to taste my Strawberry-Lemon Kefir water.  Awesome - if I do say so myself!!  Many of my extra Kefir grains went to new homes today, and I hope everyone will be very happy with all the amazing beverages that they'll be able to make.
Bruce & Ida

Mary Jo

Lisa & Kit

Bob & Teresa

Lighting the offering

Kitchari w/ Heirloom Tomatoes

1/2 cup Basmati rice - rinsed
1/2 cup yellow mung dal rinsed

4 cup water or more
2 cloves garlic minced (1-2 Tbs)
2 inches ginger peeled & minced
Basic Kitchari with Heirloom Tomatoes
1 onion chopped
 2-3 Tbs Autumn spice blend or
1/4 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 heaping tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dulse flakes
Red Pepper flakes

Heirloom Tomatoes

Put everything into a pot and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to medium and cook covered. You can cook it uncovered (which will reduce gas) but you'll need to add more water throughout the cooking process.
Cook for 30-45 min checking texture of beans for completion.
 Salt & add Red Pepper flakes to taste

While Kitchari is simmering - Saute Heirloom Tomatoes in a little olive oil
Add a couple of Tbs of Autumn spice blend or one Tbs of 
dried basil.

Put Kitchari on a platter and surround it with tomatoes - garnish with cilantro
Wonderful, warm and tasty!

Blessings to all!
Warm Autumn kisses!


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