Monday, March 11, 2013

Thriving with Spring Spice Grinding!

Brian & Naomi explaining grinding 
 Peace fellow Thrivers!  We had an aromatic weekend grinding our spring Masala spice blend.  This blend has all of the 6 tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter & astringent), except salty. I usually don't put salt into my blends because I will either salt the dish I'm making as I go or I'll allow you to salt your own plate.  

Naomi & Brian

I know we're still dealing with cold, rainy, slushy days but, I promise they will be ending soon.  This constant weather shift is a transitional period as we leave late winter and enter into spring.  Spring is a time of melting and rebirth.  Melt away the snow and all the excess that has accumulated through the winter months (outside and inside).  To help support your systems through this change in seasons it's a good thing to add more pungent, bitter and moderately salty tastes to your foods.  This is what our Spring Masala blend will bring to the table.  Your meals should be light, warm, fresh and stimulating. Seasonal fruits, herbs, vegetables and constitution appropriate grains will help your bodies recover from winter. As we enter into a more temperate weather pattern you might want to consider going through a cleanse. 

As you work at supporting your constitution - remember to avoid astringent, sour or excessive sweet during the spring season. (That means walk away from those chocolate Easter bunnies and yellow marshmallow peeps!).  Limit the amount of cold, heavy, stale and oily foods.  Go easy on the animal products right now.  Your body will be trying to head into it's cleansing phase - help support your body.  All those amazing early greens will soon be popping out and those are the items your liver, gallbladder, spleen and kidneys are crying for.  

Margaret, Paula, Margot & Sonya
The studio smelled amazing.  Roasting and grinding spice awakens our very ancient cellular memories and, at the same time brings a lightness, joy and happiness to your heart. 
Brian taught everyone how to make gluten-free and regular wheat Chapti.  I also demonstrated how to make a simple nut Alfredo in the blender.  We laughed, chatted, shared stories, chanted and ground spice.....and then.....we feasted!!

Terry, Michelle, Bill, Sally, Margaret & Paula
Rebirth, awakening, growth - such an amazing time of year to be alive and Thriving! After many years of learning, planning and living we are finally living our dream.  As we continue to refine and share with others, we are gifting ourselves with our dearest desires. As we let go of the fear and embrace the truth on how we need to live - we move forward with this new awareness - we live, walk and breathe an authentic life with ease.  Why was there such a struggle before?  Who knows? Fear? Clinging to the past - the things that are familiar? Again - who know? Who cares? I'm just thrilled that Brian and I have made it to the point of ease. And if we slip and slide through some mucky areas - we have the tools to halt, regroup and move forward!  Knowing how to Thrive is liberating - grinding spice with friends is a gift - my Bonus Day! As always I give Thanks!!

Margot making Chapti
Margot & Sonya

Enter into this season with eyes wide open.  This is a great time of increased vibration.  We all have the opportunity to grow and change.  Embrace the change - walk into those areas of fear - forward always forward- live your truth - growth is always a positive change!!
Offering bowl - before our feast!
Drop me a note below with questions.  I love getting feed back and would like ideas for other classes or topics you might be interested in.  Next Saturday - Stone Totem Yoga Studio (our place) will be "Weaving a Life" with Michelle Clark.  If anyone is interested contact me and I can email you a flyer with more information!

Prepping offering bowl

Blessings to all!
Warm Spring Spicy Kisses!

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