Monday, June 24, 2013

Healing Fire ~ our Solstice Fire Ceremony!

Keith Kutil ~ Our Shaman!

  Sunday we celebrated the Solstice with a "Toad Burning" Fire Ceremony.  Lucky girl that I am - I have an in house Shaman, Keith Kutil.  Keith walked us through the Fire Ceremony blessing us and Mother Earth.  The energy was strong as we gathered as one, yet each carried their own individual intentions to the Fire.  

Weaving their intentions
 The "Toad" is a moniker that I gave to my tumor.  Thankfully the "Toad" is no longer with me! At this stage of my healing the Toad really represents the removal of anything and everything that is no longer serving me.  I spent time meditating about this and had written down what I wanted to remove, receive as well as the healing for my family, friends and Mother Earth. All of these written thoughts had been placed inside the "Toad" (a pinata ~ no real Toads were injured in our Fire Ceremony)  

We had a rough start - it rained buckets. I had a serious chat with the Angels, "Guys - we have big medicine to do today. Rain is not on the menu."  I found out later that Keith had been having the same conversation with the Big Guys.  Brian & I continued getting ready because I was going to have that Ceremony even if I had to get wet!  Last years Ceremony had set the tone for the rest of the year.  I was not going to let a little rain stand in my way.  Just as the guest were starting to arrive the rain stopped.  It was at that moment I realized that the rain was perfect.  There are no coincidences - the rain had cleansed us in preparation for our big event.  Everyone brought amazing foods to share.  Children were running and playing. They spent some time weaving plants, feathers and fibers into our Garden Loom.

Fire is a powerful element.  It brings warmth and power to the world.  It motivates and destroys. On this day we used the Fire as a symbol of release.  Everyone was smudged with Palo Santo sticks - to clear our energies. Keith blessed all who attended, our home and Mother Earth. 

I went to the Fire first with my "Toad" and with a heart bursting released my intentions to the Universe - with Brian at my back.  Then everyone took turns going to the Fire with their offerings making sure someone always stood behind them for protection.  During this process a stick, that Keith found in our woods, was passed around.  Everyone breathed into this stick their prayers for Mother Earth.  After everyone finished going to the Fire Keith approached for his final blessings and then the youngest Male and Female placed the stick with all the Earth blessings onto the Fire.

Waiting for the Fire to get friendly!
How will this change or heal us?  That will be for those that attended to find out.  Keith says that we should keep our eyes and hearts open for the next two weeks.  Look for changes and opportunities that may cross your path.  I know at this time we are stronger, lighter, more conscious beings. For one day - the Moon was bigger, the Fire brighter and our Hearts more open and full.   Now comes the challenge.....I want you to carry this feeling into your days ahead.  Live from within the heart allowing all your intentions to come true!!
Thank you to all of our family and friends that attended.  We hold a space for you within our hearts.  It was wonderful to reconnect with old friends and to meet some new ones. 

 A very special Thanks to Keith.  Dear always you made this day very moving and powerful.  Blessing to you and your family. 

Lighting Dragons Blood for the Fire
 Below are a few of the pictures from the Fire Ceremony.  I'll be posting all of the rest on Facebook.  Anyone that attended should find their photos as they released to the Fire.

Bringing the "Toad to the Fire"

Setting my Intentions
 With a the chaos in the kitchen I forgot to take pictures of the dishes that I made.  One of the recipes that was requested a couple of times at the Fire Ceremony was my Strawberry Drink.  This is simple and you don't need a picture to know if you made it correctly.  This is one of those easy easy - you can't possibly screw up recipes.  Tweak it to your liking!!

Strawberry Drink
1-2 pints of strawberries
1/2 cup organic dehydrated cane sugar
1 cup water

Put all ingredients into blender.
Blend until smooth.

This is now your concentrate pour into picture or glass and dilute with water until you have the desired taste.
You can also add blueberries and/or lemon!

Brian clearing his Chakras

Final Blessings
Adding the blessing & healing intentions for Mother Earth

Blessings to All!
Sweet Strawberry kisses!

P.S.  Check us on Facebook to see the rest of our Fire Ceremony!!

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