Blueberries ready for freezer bags! |
Smoothies are all the rage and there are a few rules that if followed will bring you greater health and digestive success! If you have a strong Pitta (fire) digestion enjoy your smoothies with my blessing. Vata (air) and Kapha (earth) need to be a little more mindful about what they throw into the blender.
Due to the cold nature smoothies can be taxing on the digestion. Leafy greens are dry and rough and can be very difficult for Vata to digest. Vata's are naturally cold, dry and rough if we consume those same qualities we are setting ourselves up for an imbalance. If you are dealing with a long term Vata imbalance, you will eventually be faced with a depletion of Ojas.
Smoothies can be very difficult to digest. can that be? Well...they are hard to digest because, there are so many ingredients in that "Cup of Wonderful" that it becomes very heavy. Blending is fast and furious and it doesn't give the food a chance to marry (melding is a long low slow process). Poor food combing also adds an extra burden to your Agni (digestive fire). When your Vata becomes "Wonky" from low Agni it will generate gas, bloating, cramping, weight gain and increased Ama (toxins). what?
Blueberry Chocolate Smoothie! |
*Add turmeric, ginger and lemon juice to aid digestion
*Keep ingredients at room-temp, let go of your ice-cubes and frozen fruit
Our if using frozen fruit add warm water
*Keep your ingredient list small - you want it to be light
*Add a little coconut oil - it will moisten and remove some of the dry/rough qualities
*Follow food-combining rules - Fruit alone, greens with protein, carbs with protein
*If you want green then leave out the fruit - sweeten with a little maple syrup
If you want fruit then leave out the green
*Consume your nuts and protein about 1 hour after your smoothie
*Don't add a ton of heavy super-foods - to much of a good thing "Isn't"!
*Don't drink them everyday - alternate days
I put together a sweet little Blueberry Chocolate Smoothie. It's light, sweet with a hint of spice and a nice place to start for those new to the world of smoothies. For most of us our digestive fire is weak (we don't even realize it). It's time to honor our tummy and give it all the support that it needs. Find the full recipe here
Prepping for my Mom's "Sadyes Pickles"! Mikhail returned from Omega just in time to help me gather pickles and dill from the garden.
My Sherpa Mikhail is back! |
Dill Harvest! |
Time for me to return to the kitchen. It's Pickle Time!!
Blessings to all!
Sweet Blueberry Kisses!
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