Monday, September 2, 2013

Meditation tricks & Tasty Pesto!

Beak & Skiff

Happy Labor Day! Labor Day...."It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of their country." ~ Wikipedia

This is a day to pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.  I hope you've had the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful long weekend.  Brian and Mikhail are both at Beak & Skiff Apple Hill helping others to have a fun day of picking apples. This is a transition weekend for many - the end of the Fair - the weather is changing - school will be starting up for many.  With all the many changes (many beyond our control) it's time to take a little pause.
Organic Spinach

Our entire family gathered together to enjoy our summer bounty at Creekside Meadow Farm. My brother and his wife (Matt & Tricia) held a fantastic Labor Day feast.  Wonderful fresh foods from the garden along with fresh organic beef and pork lovingly raised on their farm.  Thanks Matt & Tricia for opening your home so that we could all connect with friends and family.  Laughs, pictures and stories from the past.....these are the moments that I hold closest to my heart!

Time again for me to remind you guys to practice your meditations.  Your homework assignment:  Meditate for 5 minutes.  Being that we live in a world of electronic wonders, take a look at some of the meditation apps that are available.  You can get free meditation timers for your phone. you don't have any excuse.  Set the time for 5 min and allow yourself to sink into your breath.  Everyday give yourself the gift of 5 min. You can increase the amount of time as you establish your new healthy habit.  Commit to this tiny practice and see how you feel.  Peace to the Mind - Peace to the Body - Peace to the Spirit!

Spinach Pesto!

I love pesto!  We forget how quick and easy a raw pesto can be to make.  It also doesn't have to be made with basil.  You can make Pesto with just about any green. Try using Kale, Parsley or Cilantro.The recipe below can be tossed with pasta or stirred into veggies. This is a gluten free vegan recipe.  You can switch out the nuts just remember to soak them.  Soaking time varies with the nut.
The denser the nut the longer soaking time is needed.

Why soak the nuts you ask?

1-enzyme inhibitors get neutralized
2-the amount of vitamins the body can absorb increases
3-Phytic Acid, which inhibits the absorption of vital minerals, is reduced
So....soak your nuts!

Spinach Pesto
brown rice pasta or pasta of choice
4 cup organic spinach 
3/4 cup organic raw nuts (I used a blend of cashews & pecans) soak for 20 min. or more
2  organic garlic cloves
1/4 tea sea salt
1/4 cup Nutritional Yeast (optional)
3 Tab Olive oil
1 tea lemon juice

Put Spinach in food processor (with S blade) pulse until well chopped.  Add nuts, garlic, salt and nutritional yeast. Pulse until well blended.  Slowly add Olive oil and lemon juice blending until smooth and creamy. Toss with brown rice pasta or other veggies.  Awesome!  This is one that the boys gobble up - we never have leftovers. 

Blessings to all the workers!
Sweet Pesto kisses!

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