Monday, February 23, 2015

Healing with Integrated Energy Therapy

Lisa Porter 

Our studio was blessed with some special healing energy this weekend.  Lisa Porter a Master Level Teacher Trainer was here to teach our group Integrated Energy Therapy.  This was our intermediate level attunement.  At this level, the secondary chakras in the palms are activated. Lisa taught us how to work in the different layers of our energy field.  (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual)

This technique will gently remove and clear imprints from physical trauma, emotional trauma, old unwanted belief patterns, and past-life issues that may be lingering around.   

The timing for this workshop was perfect.  Mother Nature was snowing and blowing and we were inside snug and warm letting the energy flow. This was a perfect etheric contrast to the heaviness outside. I was in state of bliss by the end of the day!   For anyone interested in receiving a session with Lisa or for information on having a training class with her click the link below.!about3/ckc7
Integrated Energy Therapy

For those of you that need visuals - this chart demonstrates just how the auric fields and chakras are set up.  Keeping the aura cleared and the Chakra's spinning will bring balance to the body, mind and spirit. IET can clear the aura making space so that healing can take place.  

 One of our newest resolutions, after retuning from Amrit Yoga Institute  was weekly energy session.  Sunday being a day of rest has now become a family treatment day. So my peeps, I'm going to again challenge you....sit down with the family and plan your weekly healing day. It doesn't have to be complex.  Footwork,hand work, oil massage, oil massage to the head...have fun and work from the heart! Make Sunday (or any day you choose) and make that your Bonus Day of self care!
Garam Marsala

We have had a request for a Kitchari plan to add that to your calendar soon.  First we'll start setting up your kitchen with a few "go-to" spice blends that you'll want to keep on hand.  A Basic Masala is a must.  Every Ayurvedic kitchen will have their version as well a seasonal Masala's to work with. To get yourself started click the link below

Blessing to All!
Sweet Angel Kisses!

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