Monday, March 5, 2018

Crazy Weather and Warm Soup

March 1 2018
 Whoa....has this past week been nuts or what? We went from warm sunny day on Thursday to Sibera-cuse on Friday.  I think everyone suffered from this latest snow fall. In Ayurveda we spend a lot of time talking about honoring the body, the seasons and the rhythms of nature.  Well this was a curve ball. 

One day we're sitting on the deck in short sleeves and the next day completely snowed in.  The trees were bending down to the ground from the weight of the snow.  We are forced to stand back and wait to see if they will recover.  You must never touch a snow bound tree. Mother Nature must release the branches in her own time. The shock of releasing heavy snow can cause the branch to snap. We wait and watch for the wind and/or the natural melting of the snow to release these heavy branches. Some didn't make it and snapped, which is sad. 

For those looking to jump right to the recipe go here.
Coconut-Potato Red Curry with Spinach Soup

March 2, 2018
We recognize that this is the dance of the seasons.  The elements fight with each other for dominance. The proper season will always win. Water and wind are still struggling.
The days are becoming longer and the sun a little brighter. Soon spring greens will start appearing and it will once again be time to change our menu, our routines, our spices and our rituals. It's also time to start thinking about spring detoxification.  We'll keep you posted!

Spring is just around the corner. We can hear the change in the songs our birds are now singing. Huge flocks of geese are flying over shouting loud and clear that they are back to nest. Our winter CSA will be winding down. Right now we are still enjoying the last of the winter root foods which is appropriate with Mr Snow showing backup. 
To keep the guys warm after all the shoveling and snowplowing, I treated them to a Coconut-Potato Red Curry with Spinach Soup. You can get the recipe here.

Next week we will be holding our Spring Spice Grind.
We love the chance to acknowledge the change in seasons. Hope to see you there!

Stay Warm!
Sweet Curry Soup Kisses!
Naomi and Brian

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